Person Signup Helper
This document defines the Person Signup Helper resource.
The Person Signup Helper is a helper endpoint to aid in the creation of People resources via POST. It provides a quick and easy way to add people to an OSDI system.
When using the Person Signup Helper, tagging and list membership info may be added at the same time as well, eliminating the need for multiple POST operations to store that information.
Some systems may attempt to match inputs via the Person Signup Helper to existing people in the database and update their record instead of creating a new person for every POST. The method used for matching will be detailed in that system’s documentation.
The response to a successful Person Signup Helper POST is the full representation of the person.
Some initial implementations may only support helpers – direct RESTful access may not be supported. In those cases, the _links section may be omitted in responses.
Endpoints and URL structures
OSDI does not specify specific endpoints and link structures for compliant systems to use. Rather, because OSDI is a HAL+JSON API, endpoints and structures are defined in the links section of each returned resource, starting with the API Entry Point link.
HAL’s link structure lets an API consumer move through API levels, resources, and collections by parsing and following links. While most systems will not change the value of their links often and obey RESTful design principles, the value of each link when that resource is retrieved is the only canonical value, and it can change at any time.
The link relation label for the Person Signup Helper is osdi:person_signup_helper
The field names for this resource, with standard names, punctuation and capitalization, and values where appropriate.
Note: As with the entire OSDI specification, the specific fields a compliant system implements will vary between each system, as will the fields each system requires when creating or updating resources, which fields are writeable, and the operations you are allowed to perform on each resource.
Person Signup Helper Fields
A list of fields specific for POSTing via the Person Signup Helper.
Name | Type | Description |
person | Person* | An object hash representing the person to be added. |
Control Headers
An “osdi:control” JSON object may contain common OSDI control headers which can be used on an OSDI POST, PUT, PATCH, Helper or other function calls to modify server behavior. Read More
Name | Type | Description |
return_response | boolean | Defaults to true, if specified as false, the operation does not need to return the resource representation in the response |
Helper Action Functions
Helper Action Functions are additional actions that the OSDI server will perform along with inserting or updating the associated person.
Name | Type | Description |
add_tags | strings[] | An array of tag names corresponding to previously created tags to add to this person when it is created. |
add_tags_uri | strings[] | An array of tag URIs corresponding to previously created tags to add to this person when it is created. |
add_lists | strings[] | An array of list names corresponding to previously created lists to add to this person when it is created. |
add_lists_uri | strings[] | An array of list URIs corresponding to previously created lists to add to this person when it is created. |
add_questions_responses_uri | QuestionResponseObject | An array of Question Response Objects, indicating answers which should be applied to the person. |
triggers | Triggers | An object hash representing responses a user would like to trigger from the server as part of the POST, such as sending an autoresponse email back to the person who took action with this helper. |
Question Response Object Fields
Name | Type | Description |
question | string | The identifier for the Question which is being answered |
responses | string[] | One or more responses to the Question, if the corresponding question_type is SingleChoice or MultiChoice; should be a subset of the responses available for the question |
value | string | A free-text response to the question, if the corresponding question_type is Paragraph. |
Here autoresponse identifiers are handled independent of the OSDI specification’s identifier schema. The autoresponse sent is determined by the server that is being interacted with, the system, and the id
Three types of autoresponse triggers are defined below and those types should follow this specification and format.
Name | Type | Description |
autoresponse | object | An object hash representing the autoresponse email trigger type. |
autoresponse.enabled | boolean | A boolean indicating whether the autoresponse email should be sent or not. |
autoresponse.identifiers | strings[] | A unique string array of identifiers in the format [system name]:[id] . |
Name | Type | Description |
sms_response | object | An object hash representing the autoresponse sms trigger type. |
sms_response.enabled | boolean | A boolean indicating whether the autoresponse sms should be sent or not. |
sms_response.identifiers | strings[] | A unique string array of identifiers in the format [system name]:[id] . |
Name | Type | Description |
call_response | object | An object hash representing the autoresponse call trigger type. |
call_response.enabled | boolean | A boolean indicating whether the autoresponse call should be sent or not. |
call_response.identifiers | strings[] | A unique string array of identifiers in the format [system name]:[id] . |
Related Objects
These JSON hashes included in the table above are broken out into their own tables for readability, rather than independent resources with their own endpoints.
Name | Type | Description |
person | Person* | An inlined hash representation of a person, containing any valid fields for the Person resource. |
Related Resources
The scenarios below show common create (POST) operations that can be performed on this helper. While the canonical definitions of fields are above, these examples should be complete as well.
Scenario: Creating a new person (POST)
Posting to the person signup helper endpoint will allow you to create a new person (or update a person if the system attempts to match people posted with helpers) along with associated tags and list membership information in one operation. The response is the person that was created or updated. While each implementing system will require different fields, any optional fields not included in a post operation should not be set at all by the receiving system, or should be set to default values.
OSDI-API-Token:[your api key here]
"person": {
"identifiers": [
"family_name": "Edwin",
"given_name": "Labadie",
"additional_name": "Marques",
"origin_system": "OpenSupporter",
"email_addresses": [
"primary": true,
"address_type": "Personal"
"postal_addresses": [
"primary": true,
"address_lines": [
"935 Ed Lock"
"locality": "New Dudley",
"region": "MN",
"postal_code": "17678",
"country": "RU",
"address_type": "Home",
"status": "Verified"
"phone_numbers": [
"primary": true,
"number": 19876543210,
"number_type": "Mobile",
"sms_capable": true
"gender": "Male"
"triggers": {
"autoresponse": {
"identifiers": [
"enabled": true
"sms_response": {
"identifiers": [
"enabled": true
"call_response": {
"identifiers": [
"enabled": true
"add_tags": [
"add_tags_uri": [
"add_lists": [
"add_lists_uri": [
"add_questions_responses_uri": [
"question": "",
"responses": [ "r1", "r2", "r2"]
"question": "",
"value": "Heard about the candidate at the Labor Day Picnic"
200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
"id": "d91b4b2e-ae0e-4cd3-9ed7-de9uemdse",
"identifiers": [
"created_date": "2014-03-20T21:04:31Z",
"modified_date": "2014-03-20T21:04:31Z",
"family_name": "Edwin",
"given_name": "Labadie",
"additional_name": "Marques",
"origin_system": "OpenSupporter",
"email_addresses": [
"primary": true,
"address_type": "Personal"
"postal_addresses": [
"primary": true,
"address_lines": [
"935 Ed Lock"
"locality": "New Dudley",
"region": "MN",
"postal_code": "17678",
"country": "RU",
"address_type": "Home",
"status": "Verified"
"phone_numbers": [
"primary": true,
"number": 19876543210,
"number_type": "Mobile",
"sms_capable": true
"gender": "Male",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"osdi:answers": {
"href": ""
"osdi:attendance": {
"href": ""
"osdi:signatures": {
"href": ""
"osdi:submissions": {
"href": ""
"osdi:donations": {
"href": ""
"osdi:outreaches": {
"href": ""
"osdi:taggings": {
"href": ""
"osdi:items": {
"href": ""